Friday, July 27, 2018

i NEED a non-smoking apartment that is BIG ENOUGH to store my gear.

i don't care where it is, within reason.

i don't care what it looks like inside. at all.

falling down, in need of a paint job, full of bugs - i don't care.

what i care about is the size of the unit, because i NEED the space, & the fact that it's non-smoking because i don't want to die young from second-hand smoke - & that fact that it's under $800.

living in a smoke-free environment is not a privilege. second-hand smoke is not an annoyance. every day i stay here, i increase my chances of getting cancer. if i stay here long term, i will almost certainly die of cancer. and, i can't believe that there are people alive today that don't understand that.

what i'm looking for is very hard to find.

in fact, as far as i can tell, only one acceptable unit currently exists.

yet, as far as i can tell, these people are lying to me about the situation, too.

and, if this is the way i take these slumlords down, so be it.

note to the bigots and classist assholes of the world: it's easier for everybody if you give up.

there is almost no chance that i'm going to find something else. i need this space. and, i'm not going to give up because somebody thinks a tenant should make $2000/month+ to live in dilapidated slumlord housing.

this is stupid, and we're going to fight about it until i win.