Tuesday, July 24, 2018

the reason this is reasonable to me is that i have every desire to spend essentially all of my time working, anyways. i want 130 hour work weeks, and 40 hour days. it's what i do. what's pissing me off is that i've been so unproductive...

if you put me in a room with my stuff, like this, i'm not going to want to leave very often, and i'm not going to want to sleep very often, either.

i'm honestly only going to want to sleep once a week, and i'm honestly only going to want to shower once a week. so, why pay for this stuff full time?

but, see, renting a room is a shitty deal when you want to fill it up with gear - you can't find a 300+ square foot room, and, if you somehow could, you don't want to leave that gear in a house with other tenants that you know almost nothing about.

and, while i guess i don't need a private bathroom all of the time, i'd like it to be private when i do use it.

this would obviously not be feasible if i had to get up to go to work every day, or i otherwise had some kind of serious schedule. but, the weirdness of my life, and the singularity of my focus, makes it something i want to think seriously about.

the downside of this is storage & convenience. i'll take an acceptable apartment if i can find one. but, if i can't...

...i'm going to need to get creative. and, with a little luck on the market, i think this can work.

i just remain skeptical that the worker will approve this.