Saturday, July 7, 2018

under the misguided influence of foucault's vulgar burkeanism, will "progressives" seek to turn back the clocks on the sexual revolution? is that their backwards idea of"progress"?


were they ever in favour of it in the first place?

perhaps not.

i'm old enough to remember "progressives" being loudly opposed to abortion, and liberals pushing back hard on it. "progressives" have generally opposed queer rights, as well, arguing that it's a mental illness. "progressives" are generally religious, whereas liberals are generally secular. sexual freedom has generally been a strong differing point; "progressives" have had a hard time squaring their religious piety, which is otherwise so often aligned with liberalism, with secular values on sexuality. they've even tended to support eugenics, as a means to "purify" the race of "sexual deviance" - and they call that "progress".

and, this is why the liberals win elections and the ndp doesn't - because canada is not a nation of puritans like the united states is.

so, this is a point where liberals need to be clear that they are not the same thing as "progressives". and, they will face severe electoral consequence if they campaign as puritanical progressives, which they have been broadcasting so loudly.

we just saw kathleen wynne make that mistake on pot.

trudeau is in danger of making it on a strain of conservative feminism that most canadians simply do not believe in.