Sunday, August 19, 2018

again: in what way do you claim i'm right-wing?

i think i've thoroughly debunked all such nonsensical claims and, rather, demonstrated rather clearly that all of my views are easily derived from orthodox leftist principles - be they in enlightenment liberalism, or in classical anarchism, sometimes through a marxist filter. i admit i've largely skipped views adopted by the "new left", but i think i've repeatedly shown that the so-called "new left" is not left-wing at all, but often a propaganda front for capital.

an example would be unchecked immigration, which leftists have historically opposed because it creates downward pressure on wages. that is a left-wing position. a right-wing position, on the other hand, seeks to reduce wages by increasing immigration. the "new left" has essentially adopted bourgeois positions on the matter, and then presented emotionally manipulative arguments to trick workers into adopting their positions. the last step is to smear the historically left position as aligned with the right. but, you'll note that worker control over immigration levels should in no way imply unfair or cruel treatment, which, on the other hand, is the inevitable outcome of a lack of immigration control..

i'm not alt-left. i'm very orthodox.

and, chances are quite high that you are arguing with me from a right-wing position, without realizing it - because you've been told that this "new left" is what the left is, when it has always been the right.

this is the era of orwell. and, we might be living in it for a while...