Friday, August 24, 2018

windsor doesn't really have a chinese district. the downtown is heavily arabic. and the university region is overwhelmingly indian. it might be because they've moved out - i know i remember something like that in ottawa, where i lived on the edge of a chinatown that was being taken over by hipsters. the chinese are increasingly just living in the suburbs. and, i'm noticing a lot of nigerians moving into downtown, too.

there aren't any hipsters here, either, really - or not in large numbers, anyways. well, it's too poor. it never gentrified, because it was too run down.

and, i guess i'm kind of just realizing that.

i've lived in the italian area since i got here, and that's turning over, too.

i'd be less irritated about living in the intersection of chinatown & mexicantown, or something. these are largely secular cultures. they're insular, but that's kind of better, you know? and, i'm not likely to be dealing with the same kind of ostracism or open homophobia as i am when living amongst indians, arabs and nigerians.

i think that's something to keep in mind as i'm looking elsewhere.

the culture matters. it's not trivial...