Friday, August 24, 2018

i can't leave the country; i was born here, i have citizenship here, and i don't have citizenship elsewhere.

and, i survive on the social assistance that i'm entitled to, as a citizen of this country - i'd die very quickly, otherwise.

in fact, i can't even leave the province.

like, i'm not denying the point. i'm the first person to point it out. i fully understand that i don't have the business skills required to survive in any sort of economy. i've spent my life focusing on my intellect, not on my survival skills. i have no interest in living that kind of lifestyle. i just want a quiet corner somewhere where i can read.

so, where would i go?

i don't know.

i'd generally prefer europe to america, but europe is going through the same kind of problems we are.

i'm not sure that there's really anywhere in the world right now that is dedicated to building a science-based society on enlightenment principles. canada certainly isn't. the scandinavian countries have abandoned this. the british are hopeless. the germans and french are in collapse, too. & , broadly speaking, america has never even pretended to want this - it's always been a backwater of puritanism and imperial ambition.

it's not the first time in world history where there isn't an obvious way out.

the chinese may be the right answer, in the end, but it's going to be decades before they have anything seriously approaching first world living conditions for disabled people. and, i've always had a soft spot for the pacific northwest, but the systems don't currently exist.

this is really a period where the academics need to lock themselves in the library and close the doors, and wait for the barbarians to pass. i just need to find a new space to hide in for a few years...