Thursday, October 25, 2018

i just want to make a point clear, as people tend to jump to conclusions.

the accusations against me are not related to any question of sexuality in any way. i am not charged with sexual harassment, and i have not met this person formally or been in the same room as them, as far as i know. there is no suggestion by the police or by the complainant that i have made any sort of sexual or romantic advance towards this person. the issue has nothing to do with sex, nothing to do with gender and nothing to do with any kind of interpersonal relationship at all.

what i am accused of is being overly aggressive in my search for housing, and not reacting to a request to stop replying to an ad that was reposted on a daily basis. i want to be clear that i didn't reply to the same ad over and over, so much as i replied to each reposting once. so, i would reply once on every repost.

there is an error in law being made by both the complainant and the officer, in the belief that they have some kind of right to ask me to stop applying, as the communication was related to housing, and housing must always be open to all applicants. the crown will eventually realize this, or be told it by myself or the judge. the basis of the complaint is that the property owner was annoyed that i continued to apply, even after i'd been told that she would not rent to me, because i'm disabled. she thinks she should have a final say in that matter, no doubt because she thinks she has property rights. so, she thinks she has the authority and the right to tell me to stop applying. but, she's wrong. she's actually legally obligated to continue accepting applications from me, so long as she continues to advertise the housing. and, as long as the housing remained available, her continued refusal to communicate with me is not grounds for a harassment suit, but evidence of her active discrimination against me.

i explained this to the complainant, but she either didn't understand it or refused to understand it. i explained it to the cop, but he is a legit moron and wasn't interested in anything except ordering me around. i have not yet had the chance to explain it to the crown, but expect a more informed response when i do.

the charges are for "criminal harassment", which in canada very specifically means repeated threatening or intimidating behaviour. the crown will need to demonstrate that the woman had grounds to believe i was a threat to her safety, or a threat to the safety of her family. and, this is ridiculous - i was merely exercising my rights to apply to the application as an equal, and on an equal basis, rights she appears to not accept or understand.

it is not a sexual harassment charge or a sexual assault charge, and the communication was at no point sexual in nature. i was concerned solely with the question of housing, and with the related question of discrimination on her behalf. and, she was simply annoyed by the repeated applications, which is not something she has grounds to press charges on.