Tuesday, November 13, 2018

and, i just don't understand how we got to this point where the left is complaining about being offended. that's supposed to be a right-wing thing.

nobody imagines the young liberal activist as clutching her pearls - that's what the old conservative woman is supposed to do. and, the young liberal activist is supposed to enjoy watching her squirm, and laugh at her for being uptight.

i really think the (real) left needs to stop giving a fuck, and start poking people in the eyes. when somebody says "don't say that, it's offensive", the proper response should be to yell it into that person's face 40 times, and laugh at them when they start crying.

and, i intend to lead the way.

so, go ahead and tell me you're offended - that's just an affirmation that i'm doing something right.