Wednesday, November 21, 2018

i can't get the history for my 32-bit browser, but i remember transferring it into the 64-bit browser, so that's actually not that big a deal - it wouldn't have any meaningful comments to retrieve, i don't think. i do remember having to log into the cbc site using the 32-bit browser, but that data should be retrievable from the profile.

and frankly, i should be able to get any meaningful information by cross-referencing with the google search history - but i don't think there is any.

there's a 20 mb file there that i don't know how to open, though. i should figure that out and then delete it to start fresh.

the only reason i keep the 32-bit browser installed at this point is to use google voice, as it doesn't work right with the 64-bit browser.

this is such an information overload over and over and i'm absolutely running in place, but i think i've got an efficient algorithm in place now, if i can just catch up.