Wednesday, November 7, 2018

i don't want the democrats - or the liberals or the ndp - to become a party of muslim and mexicans, if you'll allow me to borrow the phrase, or of hindus and sikhs - i want a party of godless secular humanists that uphold axiomatic liberal values and empirical, scientific based reasoning, on the path to eventual full communism. and, that is probably going to be a mostly white party - not out of ideology, but as a reflection of reality.

it doesn't sound much like a republican or a conservative vision, does it? no, it's clearly a left-wing vision, but it breaks very strongly with the ideas of progressivism, which were always very christian, and in many ways always leaned rather strongly to the right.

but, it's not really a left vs right debate.

it's a science v. religion debate, and a struggle over what the left is.

so, yeah. i'm willing to declare open season on progressives. but, i'm trying to send you back to the right, where you belong - and properly reclaim the left for rational, scientific deduction, and a system of proper secularism in government.