Wednesday, November 7, 2018

it's like these people that go on about how gore wouldn't have invaded iraq, ignoring the fact that gore wrote op-eds in major papers supporting the war in iraq, was the architect of the policies under clinton in the 90s that devastated the country, loudly supported the first gulf war in 1991 and even advocated bombing saddam hussein in the fucking 80s. the facts actually suggest that gore would have probably bombed iraq without even needing 9/11 as an excuse.

but, we live in this collective fantasy reality where, wherever we are on the spectrum, we buy into this right-wing media narrative and all imagine that the democrats are these idealistic leftists. and, the facts don't matter.

it doesn't matter how much death and destruction the democrats cause, they're still seen as pacifists that are weak on national security.

it doesn't matter how many austerity budgets they push, they're still seen as tax & spend.

it doesn't matter how many people they deport, they're still seen as being on the side of migrants.

it doesn't matter how many schools they defund or how many social programs they slash, they're still seen as less racist.

& etc.

the frames are constant, and it's a fact-free world in the media.