Thursday, November 29, 2018

i wish i didn't pass out yesterday afternoon, because i didn't get to test my new light bulbs last night.

the j-type bulbs are exactly what i wanted, and the spotlights haven't arrived yet. but, it turns out the big bulb i wanted to replace is a par38 rather than a par20, so the spotlight is a little smaller than i expected. that said, i think it's actually more what i want - it's 9 watts and runs at 7000K. the par 38s tend to run at higher wattages and lower temperatures, and cost twice as much. this also has a 60 degree beam angle, which the led par 38s don't often have. if i'm still here the next time this comes up, maybe i'll make a different choice, but, for now, the par 20 seems like the more efficient choice.

the thing is that it's in a kind of a recess, so i just wish it was an inch longer to let the beam out all of the way. i should be able to get an extender for a few dollars, and that's probably the better option. they say the 9w replaces a 50w and i'd need upwards of 30 w to replace the 175 w, but i actually don't see much of a difference when compared. so, why would i want to pay 3x as much for a bulb that uses 3x as much energy if i can't tell the difference, anyways? the fact that the thing i got is a spotlight seems to be more important than the total wattage on the heat lamp.

what happened yesterday? well, i'm not sure yet.

i amended the file i posted on yesterday morning, and gave the cops the fingerprint destruction request directly. then, i went to get the cd and go home, but they told me that they can't release the audio without a court order, and i essentially fell over when i got home, as i hadn't slept in too long. it's a little odd that they'd take my money and give me a blank audio and then tell me at the end "oh, sorry, you needed a court order, so we shouldn't have done that. and, the judge is gone this week."

and, do i need a court order? well, i got some mixed signals on it. i was aware that it appeared as though i did, and initially intended to leave an application at the counter with an essay request that would go to a judge and then come back, but nobody said anything about it, so i just went with it. i wasn't technically in a criminal trial. does that matter? i'll have to look at the statute a little more carefully.

but, i actually was expecting them to send it to a judge, and was actually surprised when they didn't.

i will need to go back in today, one way or another. so, i'm going to add a second and maybe third statement of disagreement, once i have a better understanding of what i can and can't do regarding the audio.

i'm at a bottleneck with the audio; i need it in order to file the discrimination lawsuit. if i need to go to superior court to get it, so be it. but, note that i don't need the transcript for the civil suit, so if i get stuck waiting for it, that's going to force me to pivot towards suing the cops, first.

the things i need to sue the cops are going to be available through a long list of foias, and i'm far more comfortable launching the case and then getting the judge to release the information after.