Thursday, November 29, 2018

i guess everybody forgot about laurentian.

i'm just saying.

there's lots of schools in toronto as it is, and i'm not sure french is the most obvious choice in terms of funding a linguistically focused university. this is from wikipedia:

English 1,375,900 50.9
Cantonese 114,670 4.2
Mandarin 111,405 4.1
Tagalog (Filipino) 83,230 3.1
Spanish 72,850 2.7
Italian 62,640 2.3
Portuguese 59,355 2.2
Tamil 57,535 2.1
Farsi 49,185 1.8
Urdu 37,420 1.4
Russian 36,145 1.3
French 35,440 1.3

while the province's initial colonial heritage is indeed largely french, it isn't exactly a widely spoken language in the english city of york. new york? no, i guess that one was taken, right? but, then, literally by the americans, so the british no longer had a new york, let alone an old new amsterdam. new new york know, if they had typewriters back then, it could have worked.

new new york. new (new york). well, we have all of this punctuation, why not use it?

montreal, detroit, sudbury, cornwall...these were french settlements. toronto, ottawa, kingston were not.

i know that doug ford is not making a market argument, he's trying to rev up his base. but, it is actually probably true that a french university in downtown toronto would be poorly attended and lose a lot of money.

it's maybe a better idea to point out that laurentian could maybe use a bit of help in climbing a little up the rankings.