Thursday, November 8, 2018

so, take something like prom, for example.

most people that skip out on prom have a sob story about how they couldn't find anybody. that's not my experience. the fact is that i didn't go to a single school dance for the five years i went to high school, so i never really seriously contemplated it. i didn't ask anybody; the fact is, i never intended to go. i would have probably told you in grade 10 that i didn't intend to go, and fully meant it. and, while i won't name any names, i actually turned somebody down.

so, my only experience around prom is total disinterest in the entire concept of the thing. and, while i can't be sure about how i'd have felt if i was in a different gender role at the time, i suspect i may have taken a more active interest in it, if i was.

for somebody to look at me and say "but, you have these experiences...." is wrong. i don't. sorry.