Thursday, December 6, 2018


i'm a libertarian/socialist - i don't like banning things. i like social programs, cultural revolutions, agit prop, community organizing, etc. and, i participated in english class, so i like it when people explain their answers, and back up their arguments. so, when your kid does something wrong, do you explain why it's wrong and why they shouldn't do it, or do you just order them not to "because"? that is the difference between a left-wing approach to guns, which gets to root causes and tries to alter attitudes and behaviours, and a right-wing approach to guns, which just orders you around - ironically, by gun point.

so, as a leftist, i have ideological problems with this authoritarian idea of banning anything at all.that's not liberalism. liberals don't ban things. conservatives ban things.

but, it's an empirical question as to whether it works or not, and it doesn't.