Tuesday, December 25, 2018

so, what i do right now is that i chop up tomatoes & peppers on the plate first, then put the pasta on top (followed by microwaved salami, caesar salad dressing, cheese, hot sauce, salt + pepper).

pepper itself is fairly powerful, apparently.

but, what i could be doing is putting some spices down with the tomatoes - basil, oregano & potentially parsley.

the nuts are another thing that looks good, but you'd be....nuts....to eat that much cholesterol. i've got my cholesterol very well under control; i don't want to be introducing something like that into my diet.

so, there's some tweaks for the next grocery run.

- blueberry juice instead of orange juice (if feasible). you can never get too much of it, but i think i get a lot of C from other sources - kiwis, strawberries, tomatoes.
- oregano, basil & parsley for pasta.

seems too easy...