Tuesday, December 25, 2018

the thing is that, as far as i can tell, it's not coming in through the windows.

so, who is up there? a cop?

as mentioned, i'm more interested in suing the cops for harassment and false arrest - and if it turns out they're spying on me, too, that's just another reason to sue them. unfortunately, as i can't secure the air quality in the unit, i don't expect to be here, long term - which is a shame, because i otherwise like the place. but, i learned that there's not really a solution in going after the owner, because the city doesn't offer much of a way out.

if it was as easy as suing the owner and then moving, i wouldn't have ended up here.

it's way better than before, but it's still not good enough.

i have a lot of work to do on this, and will have to get back to it on thursday.