Saturday, December 15, 2018

well, i don't know.

can the democrats do better than bernie sanders?

i consider elizabeth warren to be a republican and would not support her. she's a market fundamentalist; she's more like obama than sanders.

i don't think it helps anybody to be seriously considering the idea of running people that will be octogenarians by the end of their first term, but i don't really see a viable option - and if he's the best they've got, i'll line up again. sure.

but, i need to reiterate the point - i have not historically supported the democrats. i was a nader supporter and have been a stein supporter. during the primaries, i've supported candidates like sanders and kucinich, and have then tended to withdraw support during the actual election. my endorsement of clinton was exceedingly weak.

i felt kerry was legitimately a lesser evil, but that was the exception to the rule.

i'm probably not going to support the democratic candidate as a lesser evil, whomever it is. sorry.