Saturday, December 15, 2018

while i tend to support the use of violence in revolutionary struggle, there are only two imperialist wars in the modern period that i've supported - or, more accurately, two entities that i've supported using force against.

the first is the nazis. the second is isis. and, i'm absolutely willing to draw very deep comparisons between the nazis and the saudis, as they are both operating under warped ideologies that see themselves as the rightful inheritors of a system of global dominance - these are brutal systems of race-based oppression that are actually very similar in operation.

it was never isis itself that was the root of the problem, but the saudi monarchy that needs to be overthrown. we need regime change in saudi arabia, a secular revolution to overthrow the islamists, and if you really want a longlasting peace in the region, you realize the need for that - that getting out of the way is just an algorithm for allowing the saudis to continue slaughtering people with impunity. finding peace means getting to the root causes, not getting out of the way.

further, in both cases, i understand that the motives of the imperialist power are not aligned with the left. the anglo-soviet alliance was not created to save jews or gypsies or communists, but to contain german expansion - it was an imperialist war through and through. nobody argues against the fact that the nazis had to be defeated, nonetheless, even if it meant supporting an imperialist government in order to do it. and, likewise, history will not be kind on those that resisted bombing campaigns against the islamic state, regardless of the fact that the motives of the various actors are purely self-interested - these are groups that cannot be allowed to exist in any capacity at all whatsoever.

due to russian help, as is so often the case, isis is losing; what was once a dangerous power vacuum is being filled, and support for radical jihadist movements is being replaced by support for secular forces, who are increasingly able to reach the population as the islamists are driven out or brutally killed. this is a success that should be celebrated. it was very important that the islamists be made an example of, so people could see that their ideology is hollow - these people were not chosen by anything or anybody besides saudi oil money, and their claims to any magical supernatural powers are belied by the fact that they are strung up in the public square by their bowels. it was necessary to do this. and, a massive public re-education campaign that reasserts secularism must now follow.

but, what that means is that it is time to withdraw and allow for the secular governments in the region to establish themselves. this is not consistent with the logic of imperialism, but support for the imperialists must be withdrawn, nonetheless - once the fascists are destroyed, the temporary alliance must be dissolved, and support must shift to the people on the ground that are arguing for self-determination via modern, civilized forms of governance.

i do not see any other ongoing imperialist wars that i have any support for. but, my conditions for aligning with imperialist powers are on the table - fascism cannot be tolerated in any form, and alliances with imperialism are justified in the face of any rising threat of fascism, as difficult as that may be to stomach.

the primary focus right now should be on supporting leftist, secularist revolutionary forces inside of the saudi kingdom that are agitating to overthrow the monarchy.