Wednesday, January 23, 2019

i don't know where the idea that a trudeau government would support something like this is coming from, given that it's messaging has been neo-liberal and pro-market to the core.

i would rather expect the existing liberals to support some kind of market liberalization scheme that pushes that myth that increased competition will lower prices. they'd be more likely to run on cutting red tape, on decreasing regulations.

this is not a government that believes in these kinds of social systems, and without a strong ndp to push for them, i don't know how you even get a government of this type to mention something like this.

if the ndp were a more serious option, you might expect the liberals to come up with a more market-friendly alternative that sounds like pharmacare but isn't. with the ndp out of the picture to the point that the liberals think they can compete in saskatchewan on the strength of ndp defections, this kind of thing is a pipe dream in the minds of liberal activists - and, like talk of a federal gai, merely a scare tactic by the business press.