Tuesday, January 1, 2019

i'm actually curious how this goes.

elizabeth warren was a republican into her late 40s. this isn't a case of somebody who was raised a democrat and switched parties as she grew into herself, it's a case of somebody that spent the majority of her adult life as a conservative. and, what was her reasoning?

"I was a Republican because I thought that those were the people who best supported markets." - elizabeth warren

in past years, she'd have been written off as a fringe candidate on the right of the party. but, there's been a realignment happening since 2009, if not since 1993, and in many ways a warren candidacy - let alone presidency - could really flip it over.

much of what she's saying here might sound like far-left boilerplate to a contemporary listener, but the reality is that these are actually mostly recycled talking points from the gingrich-led congressional majority of the 90s. stop for a second and realize it: she sounds like a republican.

it's because she is one.

so, i'm curious. i suspect she'll do well amongst this influx of suburban white voters, who have also been republicans for most of their lives - and that whether she wins or not depends on how many "progressives" and "socialists" she can trick into voting for her with this phony republican populist rhetoric about big banks. in the end, what many are going to project and interpret as the triumph of the left is going to be it's death.