Tuesday, January 1, 2019

so, how does the left defeat the black congressional caucus and win a primary?

well. that's the reality of the task ahead of it. they won't support a leftist, and they control the vote.

the first thing you have to do is stop denying it. you won't convince them; stop trying.

so, what tactics are there? well, you've gotta split the field, basically.

so, if i'm bernie sanders, i'm actually looking at the field rather favourably, despite what the media is suggesting. he has a ceiling of something like 30% in the south - and warren won't do much better. she could easily poll in the low single digits, really. but, if you get kamala harris and cory booker splitting the vote, sanders all of a sudden has a path up the middle.

if it's not sanders, maybe it's jeff merkley. nobody knows yet. but, whoever it is needs to come to grips with this: if they want to win, they have to find a beat to beat the black caucus, somehow.