Thursday, January 31, 2019

see, this is the kind of thing i'm talking about.

this idea is being presented here as though they're providing a science lesson, when they are in fact presenting what amounts to a fringe theory that has been widely ridiculed by physicists. the authors have not even presented a mechanism by which this "amplification" can occur, in contradiction to the basic laws of thermodynamics. it is a theory in the colloquial sense - a hunch, with little supporting data to back it up, and one that has been roundly denounced as incoherent, at that.

even the known climate change sites, like climate skeptic, tend to step away from this as bunk. the publications that are pushing it are not science journals, but liberal political sites like the nation that want to maintain a narrative - all weather on the planet has the same cause.

but, you don't have to choose between what we understand about the sun and what we understand about the greenhouse effect. both of these things are, in fact, happening at the same time. and, in this case, they're acting against each other.

i don't expect to win this argument, because i'm not having it with scientists. but, ask a physicist about "arctic amplification". you won't like their response.

what i'm more concerned about with this is the media. it was one thing when this was a new idea, and we could throw it out there for debate; but that's already happened, now, and it's been discarded as nonsense. yet, the liberal press continues to run with it, oblivious to what the science actually says about it, because it aligns with an ideological perspective. and, that is dangerous - because we've seen the consequences of it on the right.

there have been studies done on people that watch fox news that have concluded that they understand less about the world than people that don't watch the news at all, because all they're able to regurgitate is an ideology that's been pushed down to them. when the left starts pushing debunked science like "arctic amplification" in order to fit an ideological perspective, and oblivious to what the science actually says on the matter, it is essentially just repeating the fox news model. and, we're going to end up with the same problems on the left that exist on the right - if we don't already have them.

on top of that, you're essentially giving the right what it's asking for. climate change is real, and a serious problem that needs to be addressed. but, "arctic amplification" is exactly what the idiots in the right-wing media are accusing the left of - it's essentially a liberal hoax. by continuing to push bad science, you're converting a strawman argument into an actual truth.

we have centuries of data to use to understand how the sun affects the polar vortex. it's not a new theory, it's tested and understood science. and, we know that what we're seeing in the northern hemisphere is what we should expect from an extended solar minimum. there's nothing controversial here.

we just have to understand that the world is complicated, and that the things we experience have multiple complicated causes to them that often don't align well with the kinds of simplistic narratives pushed by the media.