Thursday, February 7, 2019

as a poor person, i can confirm that i do not pay income taxes. even when i was working, i always received tax refunds at the end of the year to the point that i can say with clear confidence that i have not ever paid any income taxes at all.

while i do pay consumption taxes in theory, essentially all of the money that i actually spend is on food, which is not taxed. while i do not receive yearly tax refunds on disability, because i do not pay payroll taxes, i do get gst and hst rebates that work out to about $65/month from the province and $100, quarterly, from the feds. so, i get back about $90/month in taxes - and might spent $5, tops, most months.

by my calculations, harper's gst cut put something like $10/year back in my pocket.

in fact, i'd like to spin the situation around on the tories - and demand that they stop with the nonsense about how cutting taxes benefits the poor, because it doesn't, considering that it's usually tied to cuts in services.