Thursday, February 21, 2019

i'm going to repeat something i've said several times over the last three years.

i think that most americans are, in fact, aware that canada has a single-payer healthcare system, and that canadians are deeply protective of it. what americans may be less of aware of is the fact that it is constantly under threat by corporate interests that want to open up a market. the people of ontario are currently in particularly grave danger of losing our health care, despite whatever kind of riots may erupt as a result of it.

and, the biggest threat to our healthcare system is the fact that it exists in such close proximity to such a massive, open market. as there are americans that look north for inspiration about coverage, there are predatory capitalists in canada that look south for a more exploitative model - as well as corporate interests to the south that would like to open up the market.

don't misunderstand me; i'm an altruist. i want to see my american cousins get better results for their dollar - sure. but, my dominant interest is that i am keenly aware that the best way to protect the system in my country is to help abolish the market that exists over the border, and that the system in canada will never be safe until the system in america evolves. this is an example of how altruism is reciprocal, of how the best way to help yourself is sometimes actually to help others.

it is for that reason that sanders is likely to be the only acceptable candidate in the field, and that i have a direct interest in helping him win.