Thursday, February 21, 2019

the data on this is actually pretty startling - many american baby boomers will outlive their children, partly because they're able to afford better health care. the united states is not just heading into a gerontocracy, but one where a generation, maybe two, is going to end up lost to irrelevancy.

just a reality check on this. these are some of the most powerful people running the country, not just now but for the next 4-8 years.

nancy pelosi - 78
donald trump - 72
joe biden - 76
chuck schumer - 68
bernie sanders - 77
elizabeth warren - 69
hillary clinton - 71
mitch mcconnell - 77
chuck grassley - 85
wilbur ross - 81
william barr - 68
sonny perdue - 72
rick perry - 68
john kerry - 75
dianne feinstein - 85
mitt romney - 71

there's then a bunch of people in their 50s - pence, mnuchin, etc. these are the last boomers, but they're still boomers.

if we accept that the baby boom was from 1945-1965, and we give the last boomers until their 80s before they step down or die in office, that means we're not looking at a shift in power until 2045-2050 - when the oldest millennials start to retire.

it's not that the power to turf these people isn't there, but there doesn't seem to be much of a will to do it. and, both parties want to reward seniority. so long as these people want these jobs, they're going to be hard to get rid of.

everybody knew gen x was going to get skipped and squeezed. but, i'm not sure anybody saw this coming.

we can always hope they die before they get old, right?