Wednesday, February 6, 2019

see, we kind of went through this in the middle east, as well, and these analyses are so weirdly american-centric, in ways that i'm not sure the government even has it's head around.

let's suppose that this useful idiot guaido can pull off a bloodless coup, and manage to get elections up and running in the country. what happens on the day after?

well, the oil starts pumping.

and prices go down.

good for america, right?

well, did they think this through? they didn't. because, in purely geostrategic terms, we are in competition with venezuela for the american oil market - and we benefit by anything that keeps the country unstable, and the oil off the market.

i hardly think a slash in global oil prices is what the liberals are hoping for the day before the election.

the only thing this government is thinking about is brown-nosing the president. it's sad that we've been reduced to this. but, here we are.