Wednesday, February 6, 2019

but, i need to point something else out, because there's a consistency at play around it - somebody in the pmo is using an american textbook or something, because they seem to be basing their policy on american demographics.

trudeau seems to care more about black history month than trump does. but, it's directed at 0.5% of the population. the remaining african-canadian population is mostly carribbean (or directly from africa) and does not have the same history, or any attachment to "black history month". the pmo just thinks it's governing from sacramento.

likewise, our "latino" population - spanish-speaking canadians - is something like 1% of the population, and not localized in any specific region, except perhaps toronto. they're mostly middle class, and a variety of racial categories - many from south america, and pasty white. so, we don't have a mass of hispanic voters with a defined agenda to kowtow to. we don't have a miami. we have normalized trade relations with cuba.

there are more people of chinese, indian and philipino descent in canada than there are hispanics - and, as of 2016, are nearly as many arabs. given population growth, in 2019, there must already be more arabs than hispanics in canada.

yet, if you were to look at canadian foreign policy across the board since 2015, from nafta to venezuela, you'd think trudeau had a powerful hispanic bloc to answer to.

it must be in the textbook, it's the only explanation, but it's just not there in real life.