Monday, March 18, 2019

again: the prime minster's so-called moral relativism is in truth an absolute moral depravity, and his comments about new zealand are contemptible.

the most toxic, hateful people in the world today are muslims - and it is standing up for islam (a religion that would enslave 70% of the population and kill 15% of it if allowed to) that is by far the most toxic thing a politician can do, in the current environment.

if one is to condemn hate in any meaningful way, the strongest condemnation must be directed at the most hateful people, and the most hateful people are muslims. this is an empirical question. i'm not interested in the doublethink and intellectual dishonesty that would suggest otherwise, this depraved idea that it is acceptable to uphold the hate inherent in the core of islamic teaching and yet somehow unacceptable to condemn it, and that would hold muslims to a double standard.

the cliche is that we don't need to tolerate islamic hate, but i'm interested in liberalism, and not in tolerance.

i agree that simply killing them is not going to work.

but, mr. trudeau's comments reveal a fundamental incompatibility with liberalism. and, if he insists on aligning ideologically with an ideological system that insists on extremist conservative values then i might suggest he cross the floor to the conservative party, as that is where he truly belongs.