Monday, March 18, 2019

the weather is finally turning today, it seems for good. sort of. it's still clearly spring.

despite the air outside being bad, the smoke really, really doesn't seem to be coming in through the window, so i'm back to being 90% sure that the smoke is coming from upstairs and bracing myself for another legal battle. i don't know how to prove this, but i have no interest in hacking and wheezing all of the time. i'll have to figure something out. and, i'm just confused as to how and why this is happening. who signs a non-smoking lease and then smokes inside? what the fuck...

i don't remotely get it. but, if this is some kind of joke, it's going to backfire. hard.

this should be coming up on a full ten months entirely straight edge, but it's been ruined by whatever is happening upstairs, and i'm just tired and drained and sick all of the time as a result of it. sore throat. dizziness. it's like i never quit.

i crashed for a few hours yesterday afternoon and was nearly done filing when the kernel crashed; i overloaded the processor, and this board has been on the skits for a while. there's not a lot i can do with this machine due to the broken screen, so i'd might as well ride it out until the end. but, i may need to figure something else out for an internet gateway in the near term. the chrome book can work in a pinch, but it's not what i got it for, and i simply can't handle the lack of ad block for long periods.

i'm trying to file a folder with 75,000 html files in it, and it's just not liking it. i don't think it had started copying yet, so i don't think anything blew up, but i wanted to run a chkdsk to make sure. that 2 tb drive is a long scan - 12 hours in was only at around 5%. i had to cancel it to make some calls this morning...

so, the day, which is ending, was largely wasted, but i managed to get a few ideas cleared up and a few calls in. it's still cold for the day, so i guess we'll wait until tomorrow to get things going.

first, i had to figure out what i need to do about the border issue, now that the report came back unsubstantiated. it turns out i should have gone to detroit immediately. as it is, i need to get the disposition from the court house and bring it to the detroit side of the ambassador bridge, pretty much asap. so, i'll need to plan a day into detroit soon....and we'll see if my bicycle is still there while we're at it....maybe i can drop off some recycle, etc...

the person on the phone indicated that a dropped charge will probably not affect my status. we'll see what happens....

there is no statutory time frame on an appeal to divisional court, but i'll want to have it dealt with 30 days after i get the response on the review. documents were email saturday morning; i'll mail them to toronto tomorrow, unless i get a response today.

i was able to get a hold of somebody about the prints today as well and am expecting a response as to the status of them before the end of the day.

finally, the request to the privacy commissioner is in process, and i'm advised to sit tight and wait.

so, tomorrow is a running around day....

....and, what's going on in detroit this week? what did i miss this year?