Wednesday, April 3, 2019

chrome also seems to want to take control of my writing style, by insisting on "auto-corrections" and "grammatical corrections".

yeah. right. big brother can fuck off; i'll be dead before i let a computer correct my syntax.

i've been clear on this point now for years - i am an alphabetical egalitarian and grammar anti-authoritarian. i completely reject your bourgeois grammatical conventions as a form of mind control. free thinking individuals cannot have their sentence structure dictated to them by some centralized grammatical authority; that is a step towards totalitarianism, and should be rejected. this is not some kind of joke, i am seriously in favour of the complete abolition of grammar.

spelling is a different thing, because you have to be able to convey an idea properly. if i misspell something, it's an accident, but i really don't give a fuck about grammar. at all.

so, i will create my own grammar as i go, and you can fuck off if you don't like it.