Thursday, April 11, 2019

so, i finally got a response from the privacy commissioner, and it's something else.

the request i made was for the content of my non-conviction record to be released to me - i asked for a printout of my cpic file, essentially. this was denied under the grounds that the information was "provided in confidence by a provincial organization", which is a clause in the law that i feel is being abused. that is not meant to apply to personal data of this sort, but rather to state secrets or terrorism investigations or something. i just want my own fucking record, here.

i had an email conversation that i'll withhold for right now where i got the same line i had been getting previously - this insistence that i run a record check, with little understanding of what i was actually asking for, or why running a record check wasn't what i wanted.

there is actually a law in ontario preventing disclosure of non-conviction information in a record check, and for good reason - something stupid like this shouldn't come up on a background check if you're applying for a job, or whatever else. so, i already know that a record check will come back negative, and it's not what i want, anyways.

i asked to speak to his manager, which was pretty acerbic. he said she'll call me back next week, which was probably equally so.

i've given him until the end of the month to give me some kind of meaningful response or otherwise close the file; this is going to judicial review, with an intent to stamp down the clause in the law, if he wants to be stupid about it.

in the mean time, that's fine - i'll file with the solicitor general under the provincial fippa, instead, and see what they say. i mean, if the feds tell me it's provincial, i'll ask the province, then. and, when the province tells me it's federal, we can take that to the judge and ask her to fix the fucking law already.