Tuesday, April 30, 2019

so, i was able to cut the august document down to 220 pages - 5 by 8 - by replacing the external files with links to the blog. there would have been 200 pages of windows scripts, otherwise, and that would have just been unreadable.

it's done, but i'm going to stop to eat before i run out of time on the off-rate electricity and finish it up afterwards.

that means the half-quarterly will be a nice little 450 page novel.

i'm going to guess that the politics side of it will add an extra 30-50 pages.

i suspect i may spend the rest of the week on the lawsuit. we'll see what happens when i start making calls. i have to pay bills today, too.

but, the document is done, and i'll be at least ready to move to q4/13 within hours.