Saturday, May 18, 2019

how was the show?

well, i've skipped the opportunity to see them quite a few times in the past. i'm not really a big fan, either - i've been watching from a distance for years and years, pretty consistently frustrated that they never really went to the next level in their sound. think of it this way: my tastes are just that little bit too elite for this band. they've just never been quite good enough for me.

what that means was that my expectations were a little muted, and that i did enjoy the show, relative to what it was; there were strong moments, and there were long segments that should have never made the record in the first place, which is true of everything they've ever done.

the setlist was their second record start to end, with the first few tracks from source tags and codes as the encore.

i'll do this better in a bit...

i thought it was going to be warmer tonight. i have no plans, but i want to double check. right now, i expect to stay in.