Saturday, May 18, 2019

so, i did get in to the trail of dead show for free last night. it's not the first time that has happened. i was let into a screaming females show for free once in ferndale, off of the top of my head. it's happened more than twice, though.

on it's face, it seems to have just been good luck - i happened to walk into the venue at the same time that somebody at the counter had an extra ticket. she scanned the extra ticket. score.

but, how plausible is that, really? i mean, the person that works at the door has all the extra tickets, right?

so, i'm not going to claim that i understand the actual factors underlying my free entry last night, but i'm appreciative, nonetheless: to whatever entity or ratio, naturalistic surely, that hustled me in last night, do please accept my heartfelt gratitude.

canadians are unusually polite, in fact, actually.

but, good things happen to good people, too. if i have faith in anything, it is that.