Wednesday, May 29, 2019

i mean, take a look at some of this "fake news".

you don't think we can teach our kids to be able to spot this, to figure it out? then, you have a pretty low level of respect for human cognition, don't you? why not throw away the whole charade, then, and just install a technocracy? we're too stupid to make the right choices, anyways.

i point this out pretty regularly: it was jefferson that argued that you need an informed populace for democracy to make any sense. if you're going to condemn voters to ignorance as a bunch of hapless idiots that need to be conditioned to make the right ballot choice, then you're not really a believer in the principle of democracy, you're just a vulgar gramscian, trying to come up with a sneaky way to manipulate voters into doing what you want them to; you're a machiavellian tyrant, you're not a democrat. we need to be systemic about this, but the purpose has to be in ensuring that voters have the cognitive tools to make an informed, self-interested choice. that's democracy. these other ideas are not.

i am fully confident that a well-educated populace will make the right choice; in fact, so are the oligarchs, and that's why they won't educate us.

don't fall for that; fight for education, not censorship.