Wednesday, May 29, 2019

this article is based on 35 year-old propaganda that is relevant to almost nobody alive today.

the premise is that sanders ought to be in trouble because he supported a communist government in central america in the 80s, but sanders' position is that this wasn't a communist government, and he's right: it wasn't. sanders is even letting the right define the term "communist", which is far too generous, but at least allows for the debate to exist around defined terms; he is conceding the definition of "communist" as "unelected dictatorship", then pointing out that the sandanistas were actually a democratically elected government.

now, here's the thing: if you're like 80 years old, maybe you remember the talking points from the reagan administration and the propaganda from whatever the government news network was in the 80s. i think it was actually abc at the time. something like this might reactivate memories of ancient propaganda, and set you off like a manchurian candidate. it's possible.

but, to 90% of the voting population, the war in nicaragua is something you read about in a history book. and, guess what the history books say? the truth of the matter: that the sandanistas were democratically elected, and in fact very popular amongst the voting populace. it was their popularity that necessitated us intervention, because this is what america has been doing overseas for years: overthrowing popularly elected governments and replacing them with repressive dictatorships, like the contras.

now, you're going to try and counter my statements with some government lies, but, listen, that doesn't work anymore, because we're talking about history, and the books have already been written. the whole world knows this lie.

i'd encourage republicans to push this point; it will only help him, because the fact is that bernie was right.

but, what i'm more curious about is what anybody has to say about biden's role in iran-contra. that is a serious political liability.