Friday, June 28, 2019

if you're curious...

i've spent a lot of time in the sun this month, and it's left me with a very deep tan. my father's heritage was never made fully clear to me, but he identified at various times as french, "indian" (by which he meant native american) and italian. my mother has suggested there was some jewish in there, but he never mentioned it himself. and, i have pictures of myself in my paternal grandfather's lap; he had the type of short, curly hair that you really only see in africans and jews, although i know his mother was french canadian and very white.

so, i have some kind of mix of tanned ancestors. and, while you may find me pasty white in early march at the end of the winter, i tend to get very dark in the summer, if left out in the sun, so dark that i've been asked if i'm african more than once (and, again, i might actually be).

none of my pictures or videos are altered in any way, with the exception of increasing the exposure, which would actually have the (unintended) effect of lightening my skin. there are no filters applied to anything. i don't have any reason or really any desire to make myself look darker than i am.

the reality is that i change colours based on exposure to the sun, which draws out a more important point - namely that race is not a biological concept.