Friday, June 28, 2019

there's nothing happening tonight that's of much interest to me, either in windsor or detroit. i can't find an interesting early show. and, my backup plan is often the leland, but there's an instrumental hip-hop night there tonight and it's just sooooooo sloooooooow.....i'd be bored to tears....

there's a spectrum of music like this, from slow hip-hop to dubstep. and, i just don't understand what the point of going to a dance club and listening to slow music is. there's lots and lots of people that seem to like it, though. when i end up in spaces like that, i just end up hanging outside smoking and talking, because i can't get any adrenaline to move from the beats. i guess you'd have to be on a lot of weird drugs or something to get into it.

i need to catch up on end of the month stuff, anyways. cleaning. laundry. rent.

i think i'll be out tomorrow, though.