Saturday, July 20, 2019

i was going to see torche & baroness tonight, then go dancing afterwards, then hit the marching band show in the morning, then go to tessellations & sunsquabi in the afternoon, and then head home.

unfortunately, the overnight dance party was canceled (well, they changed it to an afternoon bbq, which is just painfully boring and lame) due to concerns about a police raid. parties seem to be getting shut down almost every weekend at this point, and the weather appears to be very unsettled, meaning it seems like i'm looking at a lot of rain. the torche show is also kind of expensive....

there's a couple of other options, but i'm less keen on them, or biking in the rain to get to them. that long wait between the end of the party at 4:00 or 5:00 and the marching festival in the cut at 14:00 is looking pretty daunting, but if the party lingered to 7:00 or 8:00, i could almost get away with it by stopping to eat and getting to the cut a little early. or maybe going down to the russell early to get tickets. even that is really a stretch. as it is, i don't want to schedule myself a 9 hour wait in detroit in the rain.

regardless, you know i'm a little crazy. if it was a different band, i might push myself. i've seen torche a few times, and will probably see them again, but i'm a passive fan - it's more of an experiential thing, and that intersects pretty strongly with the weather. it's not that huge a loss.

so, i'm in tonight. decided.

and, we'll have to see if i can even get out tomorrow at all.