Wednesday, July 24, 2019

the reality is that the food guide is trash, but it always was.

the canada food guide is not a peer-reviewed, scientific document. what the canada food guide is is a marketing tool for canadian industry, and if it tells you to eat less meat in favour of more beans it's because the lentil industry successfully lobbied to have that put in the report.

actual peer-reviewed science in actual academic journals is very, very clear that you cannot replace meat with plants, and if you try to do that you're going to end up with vitamin and iron deficiencies. vegetarians are statistically far less healthy than omnivores are.

there are reasons other than health that the scale of beef and poultry production should be cut down, but if we're mostly concerned about health then we should be looking at insects as replacements, not plants.

but, are these things good for you? of course they aren't. the fact is that it's mostly sugar. but, you didn't think that big mac was good for you, did you?