Wednesday, July 24, 2019

so, what am i doing?

i actually didn't really wake up until early this morning, and then i slept again late this morning. i dunno. that was a hectic four-day weekend, so i needed to take some time to catch up on food and rest, i guess. i'm feeling a lot better, now.

it's a little on the cool side for this time of year right now, but it's not too bad. it should be a little nicer on the weekend, but i actually can't find anything to do.

well, i'll caveat that: there's a large number of dance parties, but no early shows. no (interesting) rock shows, no classical shows, no experimental noise fests, no jazz shows. it's just novelty rock acts and boring acoustic nights. so, i'm toying with staying in altogether. or, i may hit one of them. but, i don't expect it to be like last weekend, when i was out for days straight - there's just not enough stuff to do, and nothing substantive to really plan around.

that could change if i find something.

but, for now, it means i feel ok about hitting the screaming females tonight.

no word from the oiprd, yet. i'll have to touch base with them again on monday.