Tuesday, July 16, 2019

they've got these things all over detroit, and the homeless folks don't like them much; i've talked to a handful of them about it at the diner (it's the only thing open for them, too), and they've pointed out that (some) detroiters have a tendency of basically discarding them, bumping into them, running over their stuff, etc.

i'm a long-time bicyclist. i drive on the sidewalk all of the time and have for years, and i've never hit a pedestrian because i'm respectful enough to watch where i'm going and capable enough to manipulate the vehicle - and perhaps because i'm conscious of the reality that it is in fact a vehicle. but, at the same time, i get the impression that it's a lot easier to stop on a bicycle, and that if you do need to stop quickly then you're much more protected from falling off.

the issue is probably that these devices are going faster than they can truly be operated safely at, and the solution is likely to just slow them down quite a bit. i know. but, think about what you're doing for a moment and ask whether it's actually kind of retarded to do it or not.
