Tuesday, August 6, 2019

coercing people to choose between "the people" or "the nra" is disingenuous and stupid. we are not with you or against you; public policy is not a binary choice. i will not be manipulated like that, and i'll tell anybody that tries to to fuck right off.

i am on the side of science, data and reason and this is all very clear from an analytical perspective rather than a contrived, emotional or politically-driven one: the united states does not have a gun control problem, the united states has a gun culture problem, part of which is reflected in the existence of the nra and, yes, part of which is reflected in the popularity of violent video games and violent movies. banning games will not work any more than banning guns will; you're missing the point. banning things never works in any context at all. you can't ban guns any more than you can ban drugs or sex or immigration, you have to look at the root causes, and the hyper-capitalistic imperialist bloodlust that the country was founded on, in genocide and slavery.

that is why you have a gun problem, and you won't address it until you stop denying it.

right now, you don't even seem to understand how to understand it. and, you are consequently doomed to continue on in failure.