Tuesday, August 6, 2019

would i support a ban on video games?

i would consider it to be about as effective as banning guns, namely not very. but, it may have a more net positive cultural effect. the gaming industry is really, truly a scourge on society and, whether it's responsible for mass shootings or not, it's not having a very positive effect on young men. i'd be happy to see the whole thing evaporate.

as mentioned over and over again, i don't believe in banning things. but, if a movement were to arise to ban gaming, i wouldn't be likely to stand in solidarity with the people opposed to it, either. i'd be more likely to stand back and let it happen, sort of thing.

nor would i consider a proposed ban on video games to be something that i'd vote against, if i otherwise liked a candidate's positions on other issues.

to be clear: i don't think that the gaming industry is the cause of anything, but i think it's popularity is a symptom of a fundamentally sick culture and a fundamentally broken society. i want to get at root causes.

but, i actually wouldn't want to interfere with an anti-gaming movement, at all. good riddance, if it comes to it...