Tuesday, August 27, 2019

i want people to be clear on this point: if china could they would conquer, invade and colonize us. and, they might even choose to slaughter most of us.

but, we'd do the same thing to them if we could, too.

in fact, the difference in this relationship is that we once tried to conquer and enslave them, and failed. they haven't had the chance yet.

but, that just demonstrates how important it is to try to bridge differences and work together. when the inevitable outcome of history unfolding is eventual conflict, you have to work as best you can to minimize it.

further, to blame "china", whatever that even means, for the economic reality in front of us is disingenuous. these rules were mostly written by white executives in western corporations. and, while things are better there now than they were, it is our own habits that fuel the worst abuses that exist in that country. vilifying the chinese on a racial or cultural level is not going to be productive in reforming global trade regulations.

but, don't be naive about it. if they could...