Friday, August 16, 2019

so, this is what i've got done so far on the two main blogs.

the politics blog is being built up from scratch, whereas the music blog is being edited in place. so, the politics blog is just jul 16th-sept 30th, 2013 and the music blog is from 1996-2018. both are typeset on 5"x8 paper, meaning they're intended for roughly novel sized publication. it also means there's a maximum page limit of around 1000 pages, so i'm looking at these four-month 'semester' subsets as the most realistic maximum publishing option.

i'm currently charging $1/100 pages on the pdf downloads at noise trade (or $3/journal, flat, at bandcamp, which is a more comprehensive package, including scripts and documents). and, i'm rounding. so, the first one would be $7 and the second would be $45. yeah.

in the long run, it might be comical to print the final product as a hardcover textbook, which would not be typeset to 5"x8" but may still be on the order of 5000 pages, anyways. if we can get a next-level optical disc that can take multiple terrabytes of data, maybe you put it in the sleeve, like they used to do in the 90s.

as posted previously, i want to get to the end of 2017 on the rebuild before i put this aside, and i hope this picks up soon. as for right now, i crashed hard after i ate last night, haven't really fully woken up yet and am not entirely sure why. i didn't smell any drugs. i think it might have more to do with not really sleeping off last weekend. i mean, i slept for a few hours on sunday afternoon, but i didn't get the kind of sleep i usually get after a two-day party. i might just be behind on my sleep, but if that's the case, i should be caught up soon, too, after having slept the better part of the last 15 hours.

as of right now, i legitimately want to stay in this weekend. what i was talking about has finally cycled around: i'm partied out, and keen to stay in and get a move on things. so, sunday's a distinct maybe....and i might start late on saturday, if it is.

for now, i still need to finish the stuff i was doing here locally, then switch into the travel account to update that.