Tuesday, September 24, 2019

as usual, freeland is completely wrong, and totally out to lunch. she's completely incompetent and should have been removed from her post months ago. that she hasn't been is a reflection of the incompetence of the prime minister.

the need to reestablish relations in syria is something that's been predictable for a long time now. we made a mistake; stephen harper made a mistake. a big part of the sitting foreign minister's responsibility over the last two years should have been to write a policy around re-establishing relations, and it should have been put in motion after the recent american withdrawal, at the very latest.

freeland's response to the situation is an admission that she does not have a policy for reintegration.

and, that is a failure of her post, and a failure of the government, at the highest level.

this article was last year - she should have seen this coming, and it should be dealt with by now.


 the liberals are supposed to do better than this.