Wednesday, September 11, 2019

i did a quick google search and it doesn't appear that there are any gay bars in windsor, although a few have recently closed. and, i found some articles documenting something similar happening in hamilton.

i'm not going to research this, so this is a deduction and, like all deductions, should be contradicted via evidence, should any arise.

but, it's easy enough to figure this out: gay men, especially, are largely looking for sex, and they're going to get what they're looking for quicker and faster in an online personal site than in a bar. so, you'd expect a decline in explicitly queer hangout spaces to follow as a corollary to the rise of internet personals, given that everybody knows that the actual purpose of them was always explicitly sexual.

i can always check out phog mid-week.

but, the cursive show is looking more likely.