Wednesday, September 25, 2019

so, the liberals are very clear on how they see emissions reductions: it's your fault, and you have to pay to fix it. you need to pull your carbon footprints down by your own bootstraps.

they are insisting - through their policies - that this is essentially a consumption problem, and it needs to be resolved via changes in consumer behaviour. thoroughly right-wing, to the core.

we need a government that understands that this is a problem that was largely created by government and will need to be largely fixed by government, that incentives to consumers and tweaks to consumption will do very little so long as we maintain the system. the problem is not individual, not atomized, but systemic in nature.

so, this is a perfect example of the kind of policy that will not work, and should not be proposed, and should not be supported.

the greens have a better plan, here. and, this is the hard truth we need to face: if we want to fix this, we need to pay for it through public spending. 

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.